Now, it is 2013. I went back into music in 2009. This time next year I will be student teaching.
Student teaching as a future Music Educator.
I stopped playing and had nothing to do with music except the radio from 1998 to 2009.
How does one quit playing their instrument for that many years and decide that they are going to be a music major??
I told myself that I will have a degree in something before my daughter finishes sixth grade.
Well, why not go back to what I LOVED SO MUCH? MUSIC!
And I will indeed graduate at the same time K finishes her sixth grade year. :)
I have come so far as a musician. ESPECIALLY one who NEVER had private lessons and QUIT playing for nearly 10 years.
And I had to learn PIANO. THAT WAS ONE HECK OF A STRUGGLE. But, I made it. :))
I actually understand music theory and everything else I have had to learn along the way---even when it was GREEK to me when I was 18.
Your 18 year old brain is SO different than your REAL adult brain. WHY do we make things SO HARD when we are young?
I mean really. I am doing a degree that requires TONS of my time and I have been doing it all with a family.
And it was too much when I was 18. Cracks me up.
My days are longer than most people's work day. No joke. Sometimes I leave my house at 6:45am and I don't get home until 9-10PM. Yep, that's right, PM!!
I am taking 18 credit hours this semester. That would be 6 classes for most students---I think it's 10 for me. One hour credit classes when you are a music major are NORMAL. Don't forget PRACTICE time and recital attendance and observations, and LIFE.
But I love it. I love being busy. I love becoming a better musician. I have learned sooooooo much. Counting the upcoming Spring semester, I have 3 semesters left. So excited. I will be student teaching this time next year, I may have already mentioned that, but I am really excited.
I also made Wind Ensemble for the Spring semester. It's the top band, and I am 3rd chair. I am reallllly stoked about that. I never thought I would care to be competitive again, but I am. Haha.
Anyways, that's an update on me.
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